I finally had my implant repaired this week. Mentor contributed just enough to cover the cost of capsular repair and replacement of the implant. I didn't receive enough to cover the cost of scar revision. I laughed when the head of their legal department said Mentor's utmost concern was that I would be a satisfied customer. I guess if that were true they would have made sure to repair the ruptured implant at least within the first month; I was nearing 4 months since the rupture by the time they took care of it. Because of this I had to undergo more extensive surgery which included scooping out more tissue and removal of scar tissue that had formed over the ruptured implant.
2 ruptures in 6 years. Is it worth the trouble and duress? We'll see what happens next.
I'll be posting a copy of the agreement they wanted me to sign, which basically stated I would never hold them responsible or liable for any problems of any kind.